Delver >> Game Review
Older doesn’t mean bad
These days, often when people are buying a new game (more especially those with a shiny new RTX graphics card) they will stampede to the newest AAA game (new game with a big budget from a big game studio) and buy it because ‘it’s new, has better graphics and is therefore a better game’. If you applied the same principle to buying a car, you could (often, though not always) give a broken down car that hardly runs a fresh coat of paint and new interior and then sell it as the ’latest and greatest’ thing since the last ’latest and greatest’ thing (which was probably a few months ago). If a game is bad, amazing new 2025 (or whatever year it is that you are reading this) graphics with multi-sampled ray tracing (or whatever the latest trend is to sell graphics cards) will not make the game good, just more expensive.